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When a reputable academic press initiates a request, the Institute may make a subvention to support the publication of manuscripts, if funds are available. Similarly, the Institute will consider a subvention to support a scholarly or artistic sound or video recording upon request by the producer. You must have a contract from the publisher before ISLA will negotiate with them. The typical range for a book subvention is from $1,000 to $3,000. 

Imaging Grants

        Image Grants are ordinarily limited to $2,000. In extraordinary cases where the cumulative image costs exceed this limit, faculty members may discuss an exception with the Institute Director before submitting an application.

  • Please provide a list of images to be acquired and their associated costs.
  • ISLA funding may not be used to pay image researchers or research assistants.
  • Recipients of publication support must acknowledge ISLA in the final product. 

Indexing Support

ISLA will provide up to $1,200 to cover indexing costs for faculty book projects. 

These funds must be used to hire a professional indexer.

  • Please supply budget justification and information about the indexing service you are using in your proposal. 
  • Limit: one indexing grant per book and academic year.
  • Recipients of publication support must acknowledge ISLA in the final product.

 No publication grant applications are accepted between June 1 and July 31.

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